Breath of Life

I hadn’t worked internationally since before the pandemic, when in June 2023, I finally ventured back out into the great big world. Unsurprisingly, it was to document a COVID-19 story.

COVID-19 was a worldwide pandemic, but it didn't affect every place the same way. Waves hit at different times, skipping some areas, while decimating others. In hospitals in Vietnam, it became apparent that the heavy portable oxygen tanks in use at the time, were not providing the consistent, continuous supply of oxygen to meet the needs of patients. USAID installed permanent oxygen systems that fed into each hospital room or bedside, making the country that much more prepared for future pandemics, and regular medical care for those requiring oxygen.

Even in 2023, there were patients at the hospital suffering the affects of the respiratory disease that changed the face of the planet. Nearly 7 million people have died as a direct, or indirect result of COVID-19. It was apparent that the new oxygen systems were alleviating at least some of the challenge facing doctors caring for these patients.

Interestingly, we were shadowed by government officials, military, and police while photographing and filming this story. A not terribly surprising reality due to our deadly incursion into the country and their politics in the late 1960s and 70s.

It should be noted to those that have not had the pleasure of visiting Vietnam, that what we Americans refer to as “The Vietnam War,” within Vietnam is called, “The American War.”

Essential to Life




Blind Study